Avip & Stefan

Avip & Stefan

Friday, January 18, 2008


I have many aloe Vera in my Garden. The Aloe Vera plant, a member of the Lily Family, is a succulent that closely resembles a cactus.
Aloe Vera is easy to care. Plants have been grown outdoors or indoors in pots in order to help remove toxins from the atmosphere.

If trying to grow this plant outdoors then it will need the sunniest (full sun) or light shade. It grows very well in a sunny windowsill.
Aloe Vera is a tropical and sub tropical plant. The plant can be separated into two basic products: gel and latex.
The aloe Vera plant contains number of health benefits that has been used for medicinal purposes around the world for more than 3500 years.

The properties of Aloe Vera Gel, applied externally or taken internally, have been described in numerous scientific journals and reveals that the Aloe Vera contains more than 70 Essential Ingredients including most Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Protein, Amino Acids and a recent study also discovered Vitamin B 12.

Aloe Vera benefits for skin, Hairs, cosmetics and beauty.
Aloe gel has been used for topical treatment of wounds, minor burns, and skin irritations

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